Western Balkan Geodesy Database

To modernise geodesy education in Western Balkan and create new curricula and new courses, it is useful to know the present situation of geodesy education programs already existing in Balkan countries. Therefore, a survey has been designed to collect detailed information to create a web-based Western Balkan Geodesy Educational Database. This database can further facilitate geodesy student mobility among Balkan universities and promote regional integration in geodesy education.

The survey work was lead by the Work Package leader, University of Belgrade (UB) under the leadership of Professor Branko Bozic, dean of Faculty of Civil Engineering. A survey web site has been developped by UB staff for this purpose. Staff from all Balkan partners have participated in designing survey questionnaire and contacting targeted Balkan universities with geodesy education programs.  

Based on answers at the survey web site, Western Balkan Geodesy Educational Database has been created and made online in June 2016. This database contains detailed information on:

More details are provided in the survey report.



Last updated 2016-10-20.