Questionnaire surveys among stakeholders


Questionnaire surveys aim to investigate the present situation in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. The project team are interested to know what has already been done and which problems exist regarding business-university cooperation and commercialization of reserach and innovation in the 4 partner countries.


Three separate surveys will be conducted for companies, students and universities, respectively. Accordingly, three questionnaires have been developped first in English and then translated into national languages (Armenian, Russian, Georgian and Kazakh). The English versions are listed below:

  1. survey questionnaire for companies

  2. survey questionnaire for students

  3. survey questionnaire for universities

The questionnaires can be answered using hardcopy, by email or via the survey web site. The web address for different versions of the questionnaires can be found below.

     Survey for companies
     Survey for students
     Surve y for universities

     Survey for companies
     Survey for students
     Surve y for universities

     Survey for companies
     Survey for students
     Surve y for universities

     Survey for companies
     Survey for students
     Surve y for universities

     Survey for companies
     Survey for students
     Surve y for universities

The surveys are expected to be completed in later March. Some preliminary results will be presented at the April project meeting in Valencia, in connection with the entrepreneurship training course.


Last updated 2017-03-14.